No, we include only materials priced as “new” when determining the total cost of your course.
No, we do not require a minimum section enrollment.
The program covers both undergraduate and graduate course offerings.
The program is geared toward recognizing faculty. That means we take a snapshot of the course and materials as they are at the time of submission. If the cost of materials increases for future semesters the course would no longer qualify. We trust that you will let us know.
Medallions are awarded one course at a time. If the faculty member teaches multiple sections using the same material it would mean those course are also affordable, but they would not be awarded a new medallion. However, the faculty member can showcase their original medallion in those additional sections.
We would have to take these submissions on a case by case basis. But we recommend calculating the cost per course and using that to determine affordability.
We prefer that faculty members submit their courses directly through the new Affordability Counts website and that approval comes from admin at your institution. Though a bulk upload is always an option, you would miss the advantage of using the infrastructure provided for managing the submission process through the website.
Yes, we will grant administrative access per institution. This access will allow institutions to not only manage submissions but to access submission and low-cost course reports, too.
The new website theme is independent of any one institution. However, the course submission and contact forms will include an “institution” field that will automatically sort follow-up requests and course submissions on an institutional basis.
Currently, we place the medallion on the syllabus, course overview page, and on the homepage. A forthcoming guide will explore different options.
If lab fees are part of the course registration costs, we do not include it in our cost consideration. If lab fees are charged after the student registers for the course––and is a required learning material––then we would figure those lab fees into determining the cost of the course.
As the steering committee includes more institutional representatives to help govern the program moving forward, we will solicit resources from partner institutions based on need. The committee will determine final approval after discussing each case. FIU is committed to maintaining a presence on the website and to offering oversight of other core AC requirements to keep the program running smoothly.
The new site will house a starter kit that will include logos, badges, bookmarks, flyers, and pop-up banner designs
Our new site will host the starter kit. (link)
Currently the files are flattened but we can certainly request native files for flexible formatting.
No. Not all choices need to be below the threshold, But all students should be able to secure a copy of the materials at the $20 mark or below. Renting a physical copy does not qualify due to the potential issue of availability.